The Manor is the original ‘Town of Southwark’ referred to in Domesday Book and the Charter of 1327. Archaeological evidence suggests that it was the Anglo-Saxon bridge-head settlement and also the Roman equivalent for Londinium. ‘Guildable’ seems to refer to the manor’s role as a tax and toll point for the King’s interests and differentiates it from any other transpontine neighbours that may also for convenience have been referred to as ‘Southwark’; although its formal legal name, as seen on our Seal, is ‘Town and Borough of Southwark’.
Boundaries drawn on the O/S of 1917
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The limits and borders of the three Southwark Manors are outlined in “Report of the Royal Commission on Municipal Corporations: London and Southwark” HC 239, p3 n (1837), xxv. The text of this report is given below in italics with brief notes relating it to a modern map. However, the insertion of the first London Bridge Station terminus, from 1840, and its later expansions across the St Thomas Hospital estate can obscure that part of the boundary for the modern observer. The area on the south landing of the bridge is within the City of London.

[The Guildable Manor] “… commences at St. Saviour's Dock, Saint Saviour's [sic in fact St Mary Overey’s Dock], and extends along the east side of Church-street [now Cathedral St.], the Southwark side of a passage through the Borough market which separates the Clink Liberty from the Borough of Southwark, north-east side of Market-street, and east side of Counter-street [ie to a point in Stoney St opposite Park St; Market St. and Counter St. ran behind the old Town Hall site, now the fork of Borough High St., into Stoney St.], as far as Counter-alley [now Counter Court], north side thereof, west side northerly of Borough High-street and Wellington-street [the northern section of Borough High St. was known as Wellington St.], and east side of the last-named street, from where the old Ship Inn formerly stood [at the junction of London Bridge St. and Borough High St.], both sides of Duke-street [now Duke St. Hill] and Tooley-street (taking in both sides of Joiner's-street) as far as where the watch-house formerly stood [see under the Great Liberty Manor: the following is from the survey’s description of that manor’s boundary at this point {as far as where the old Ship Inn formerly stood; from thence back to St Thomas’s-street, both sides of that street, Broadway, Three Hammer-alley, Crown-square, Glean-alley, and southerly to No 226 Tooley-street (formerly at the back of Saint Olave’s watch-house)}], from thence only the north side of Tooley-street, as far as Hay's-lane, west side thereof to Hay's Wharf, and westerly along the river's side to Saint Saviour's Dock  aforesaid.”

The eastern boundary obscured by the station and access roads can therefore be traced as shown. The old Broadway was incorporated into the subsequent widening of St Thomas Street; Three Hammer Alley, Crown Square and Glean Alley in effect demarcate the east side of the line described as “ … both sides of Joiner’s Street.”, these lay parallel and between Joiner and Dean (now Stainer) streets. The line between the St Thomas precinct and the Guildable “both sides of Duke-street …” and “… St. Thomas’s-street, both sides …” can be followed on this map and previous maps; it is marked by the curve of the street now called Railway Approach, south side, to its intersection with London Bridge Street (late Denman St. and Ship Inn alley) and Joiner St., which follows the boundary wall of the St Thomas’ hospital garden, its sub-manor and parish boundary.

The Map of The Guildable Manor
The Guildable Manor of Southwark
Registered Address
Guildable Manor, Colechurch House, London Bridge Walk, PO Box 80905 London SE1P 6UY
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