The Constitution of The Guildable Manor of Southwark
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The Guildable Manor of Southwark
Registered Address
Guildable Manor, Colechurch House, London Bridge Walk, PO Box 80905 London SE1P 6UY
Telephone - 020 7394 1271    Email -
1.1 Those persons who are the Summonsed and Empanelled Jurors of the Court Leet Jury of the Manor called, in the Charter granted to the City of
London by Edward VI dated 23 April 1550, the “Town and Borough of Southwark” but commonly known as the “Guildable Manor” have adopted
these as their set of Rules and Procedures for their good self government. They have done so as the unincorporated association to which the High
Steward of the Lord of the Manor has always made enquiry of the affairs of the Manor and to discover “Good and Lawful”, suitable and qualified
persons, to be Summonsed by the High Bailiff of the Lord of the Manor to the Court Leet. The Jurors being Adjourned maintain themselves and hold
ready to be Summonsed on receipt of Notice of a Precept of the High Steward and Summons of the High Bailiff to so form a Court Leet Jury. The
Guildable Manor was acquired by the City from the Crown by Charter of Edward III 6th March 1327 for a farm of £11 per annum., as “The Town of
Southwark”. The City’s right of jurisdiction was detailed by Charter of Henry IV 23 July 1406 and the City’s franchises of Court Leet, Baron and
View of Frankpledge was confirmed by Charter of Henry VI 26 October 1444. The Court Leet retains its status under the ‘Administration of Justice
Act 1977; §23 (1)(a) Sch 4 Pt III’. The Manor boundary was recognised and described by the “Report of the Royal Commission on Municipal
Corporations: London and Southwark” HC 239, p3 n (1837), xxv.”.. The City of London’s jurisdction in Southwark is stated in the 1550 Charter as
being over “... all and singular persons, from time to time inhabiting or resident within the town, borough, ... shall from henceforth be in the order,
government, and correction of the mayor and officers of the city of London ... as the citizens and inhabitants of the said city of London are and ought
to be”.

1.2 The Jurors association is called the ‘Guildable Manor’ (‘the Manor’) the members of which are the ‘Jurors’ who are required to be Freemen of the
City of London. The Manor is to provide continuity between Summonsed Courts Leet of the Manor and to ensure continued recruitment of “Good and
Lawful”, suitable and qualified persons, to be put forward to the Lord’s representative High Steward and High Bailiff in order to be Summonsed to
form the Jury of the Manor and Court Leet. These Rules are based on the procedures that have been followed by the Jurors and their Officers as long
settled custom and practice, these Rules give written sanction to those practices as evidenced in the Minutes of its Officers meetings. The Manor shall
be governed by the Jurors through General Meetings and between such meetings by the Jurors elected Officers. These Rules shall be subject to the
approval of the Court of Aldermen of the City of London Corporation.

2.1 The Objects of the Manor are to promote good fellowship and the maintenance of the traditions of the City of London and its Chartered Manor of
the Town and Borough of Southwark known as the Guildable, by

a) arranging and attending the Court Leet when summoned,
b) through the arrangement of social events including talks and visits,
c) to further friendly relations among the Jurors and between the Manor and the wider communities.
d) the Manor shall also encourage activities to involve the wider community of Southwark and the City’s other institutions to appreciate those
traditions and attend or arrange events that promote civic pride in Southwark especially where these are Civic or Ceremonial events that ought
properly to involve reference to the ancient Borough and Manors of Southwark.
e) the Manor shall endeavour to assist charitable causes from surpluses or by specific monies raised for such purposes.

3. The Senior Patrons shall be the High Steward of Southwark and the High Bailiff of Southwark for the time being. They shall have no formal role
within the Manor as governed under these Rules.

4. Candidates for admission to be Jurors of the Manor shall be persons who;
4.1 are “Good and Lawful”, persons who are qualified to be Summonsed, Sworn and Empanelled as Jurors of the Guildable Manor Court Leet Jury.
and/ or
4.2 support and subscribe to the Objects of the Manor as at Rule 2.
4.3 Every candidate for membership shall apply on a signed Application Form stating their personal details and declaring their support for the Objects,
which shall be shown to them, and proposed or seconded by two other Jurors personally known to them. The Application Form shall be authorised by
a meeting of the Officers (‘the Tithing’).
4.4 Jurors shall be bound by these Rules.

5. The Jurors Admission Fine and Tenancy Fee as annual subscriptions shall be proposed by the Tithing for approval at the Annual Meeting of the
Manor. The Tenancy Fee / annual subscriptions are due on the 1st of October each year. The Tithing shall have authority to refuse to accept the
subscription of any Jurors without assigning any reason therefore and thereafter such person shall cease to be a Juror of the Manor. In default of
payment of a Tenancy Fee / annual subscription for a period of one year the person shall likewise cease to be a Juror.

5.1 a) Fees, payments, charges and specific subscriptions for the events organised by the Manor to further the Objects, as well as prices for items for
sale by the Manor, shall be determined by the Tithing from time to time. These shall be notified on the relevant pro-formas. b) The Tithing shall set the
admission to Office Fine for newly elected Officers at a cost to reflect Officers Equipages. Fines for special purposes and purchases to be levied on all
or some Officers shall be determined by the  Tithing from time to time and these shall be notified on the relevant pro-formas.

5.2 Any Juror wishing to resign from the Manor shall signify such desire in writing to the Tithing and no part of any Fine, Fee or Subscription is

6. General Meetings of the Manor shall take place in conjunction with social events when the Tithing place business or reports for the Jurors notice or
consideration. There shall be at least one General Meeting a year called the Annual Meeting at which the Tithing shall be elected by the Jurors and the
audited accounts be presented.

6.1 The Tithing shall approve an Annual Letter to the Jurors and an Auditors Report of the Accounts to be circulated in reasonable time before the
Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting shall be held on the Court Leet day. The Jurors shall have the authority to make policy at the Annual Meeting
on the basis of the Annual Letter and any Proposition on any other matter that shall be made in writing by Jurors to the Tithing in reasonable time for
this to be circulated for the Annual Meeting. Jurors shall have the right to make proposals to the Tithing at any other time for the Tithing to deliberate

6.2 The Chair at Manor General Meetings and events shall be taken by, firstly, the Foreman and if absent by the next Officer in Precedence in

7. The Manor shall be governed, between General Meetings, by a Tithing of Officers (“the Officers” /”the Tithing”). The Tithing shall meet, after
formal notice from the Clerk or by a request from the Foreman through the Clerk, for the transaction of business at least twice a year and in addition as
often and at such times and places as it may determine, three voting Officers forming a quorum. The Officers that form the Tithing are:-

7.1 the Sworn Officers who are those Sworn as Jurors and Sworn as Officers at the Court Leet. These Officers are: the Foreman, the Constable, the
Afeeror, the Flesh Taster, the Upper Ale Conner (Ale Taster) and the Under Ale Conner (Ale Sizer). They shall have ceremonial precedence in that
order and shall serve, in reverse order of precedence in each and every Office for a period of not more than one-year only until served as Foreman; and

7.2 at least five others who shall act as Tithingmen elected from those whom have served as Foreman. The Tithingmen are to hold all properties and
Accounts of the Manor in trust, are to be Signatories of all Accounts or have authority to take control of Accounts. That Tithingmen, who may meet as
a Tithing, shall ensure that the Sworn Officers fulfil their duties under these Rules and that the Sworn Officers adhere to their Oath of Office, and shall
instruct and direct them if they fail in these. Officer vacancies are elected at the Annual Meeting from those Jurors whom have made a written
undertaking to comply with the requirements of service at Rule 7.10.

7.3 Otherwise, the Tithing shall follow democratic procedure in that the Officers have no seniority over each other. They shall be bound by their Oath
of Office. The chair at Tithing meetings shall be taken by, firstly, the Foreman and if absent by the next Officer in Precedence in attendance. Once an
Officer has served as Foreman that person shall retire from the Tithing being no longer required to serve in any other Office holding post. The Tithing
is to fill casual vacancies from among their number except for the position of Under Ale Conner (Ale Sizer). The Tithing majority may exclude any
Officer from Office and from the Tithing and the reason shall be notified in the Annual Letter for the Annual Meeting or for any Genera1 Meeting

7.4 The Tithing shall have the right to elect candidates for Tenancy to serve as Jurors and to exclude any such person from General Meetings and
social events who have fallen from good standing. The Tithing shall be empowered to exclude any such person from meetings and events, temporarily
or permanently, as under Rule 5.

7.5 The Tithing may authorise the Clerk to allow  candidates to attend social events and General Meetings on the payment of any fees or subscription
until the next meeting of Officers but the candidate shall have no voting or speaking rights at General Meetings.

7.6 A register of the names and contact addresses of all Jurors shall be kept by the Tithing, addresses are kept in confidence and shall not be circulated
to the Jurors. Jurors shall communicate with each other, on Manor and Court Leet matters, only through the Registered Address.. The Tithing shall
have the sole authority to communicate with the Jurors at their contact addresses and to third parties through the Registered Address. The Jurors shall
communicate with the Tithing at the Registered Address and no Juror shall communicate with the Lord of the Manor’s Representatives on Manor or
Court Leet matters without the express consent of the Tithing.

7.7 Any Juror attempting to make application to the Lord’s Representatives for Summons as a Juror on their own or another’s behalf shall be excluded
as under Rule 4.4.

7.8 The Tithing may affiliate the Manor to any organisation which it deems can assist in promoting the Objects.

7.9 The Tithing shall be entitled to elect from the Jurors a Clerk who shall be entitled to vote at the  Tithing and serves at the pleasure of the Tithing.
The Tithing shall either elect from the Jurors the Outroper or Common Crier of Southwark or appoint any person to the same role, who serves at the
pleasure of the Tithing. The Tithing may appoint from the Jurors other Supernumerary Officers as required to undertake specific duties but these are
not voting members of the Tithing, these shall have titles as decided by the Tithing. Such appointments shall be notified in the Annual Letter for the
Annual Meeting or before for any General Meeting.

7.10 The Officers shall circulate to the Jurors of the Manor, including those persons who have not at the time been Sworn as Jurors, a notice of the
vacancy for the Office of Under Ale Conner (Ale Sizer) and any other vacancies on the list of the Sworn Officers positions for election as Sworn
Officers at the next Annual Meeting. Any Jurors may apply on their own behalf. The Applicant shall be aware, and the Manor Jurors shall expect, that
such Applicants have thereby agreed to serve in each Officer position, in reverse order of precedence, for a term until they serve as Foreman.
Effectively therefore, Applicants are agreeing to serve as Officers for as long as six years and this commitment is to provide continuity for the Manor.
The Sworn Officers are also committed to attend a minimum number of events defined by the Tithing, failure to do so shall be a breach of an Officer’s
obligation and may result in loss of position of precedence on the Tithing or removal from the Tithing; the scrutiny of attendance and status of
precedence or exclusion from the Tithing shall be reviewed by the Tithingmen. The Tithingmen shall choose from among the Applicants those who are
to fill the vacancies. This decision shall be notified in the Annual Letter for the Annual Meeting or before.

8. The Tithing shall receive all monies and shall pay the same into general banking, current and/ or investment accounts approved by the Officers and
Annual Meeting. No Officer or Juror shall enter into contracts which impose liability on the Manor except by authority of the Tithing. The Tithingmen
shall be responsible for the Accounts and shall appoint at least three Jurors as Bank Account Signatories such signatories to be named in the relevant
mandates to the Manor’s bankers. Two Honorary Auditors shall be appointed by the Tithing and need not be Jurors but if are Jurors shall not be
Account Signatories. The appointees names shall be notified in the Annual Letter for the Annual Meeting.

9. Alteration of these Rules or additions to them shall be made only at the Annual Meeting after notice forming part of the Annual Letter, or by a Juror
proposing changes under the procedure outlined in the Rule on General Meetings, such alterations outlining the changes proposed: all changes to be
carried by a simple majority of Jurors attending thereat.

9.1 All Jurors are bound by these rules and any interpretation or questions arising from the rules not provided for herein shall be referred to and
decided by the Tithing. [END]